Heating Contractors in Humboldt, KS - Names and Numbers
Heating Contractors costs in Humboldt, KS

According to data.gov the minimum heating contractors costs for homeowners in Humboldt, KS is $142, the average is $641 and the maximum is $1261.

Distribution of heating contractors costs in Humboldt, KS
Popular heating contractors services

Based on our statistics of searches in Humboldt, KS the most popular services provided by heating contractors are: hvac zoning, water heater installation & repair and humidifier repair & maintenance.

Popular services provided by heating contractors in Humboldt, KS
Servicing zip codes

Heating Contractors in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Humboldt (i.e 66748). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Heating Contractors in Humboldt, KS

  • Names and Numbers Verified Air Conditioning Contractors Boilers Furnaces Geothermal Heating & Cooling Systems

    Kendal and Teresa will continue to provide the same honest and reliable workmanship that Tholen' s has been known for over the years. "We believe that good quality workmanship, honest and reliable service technicians, and excellent service after the sale is the recipe for succes…

    Humboldt, KS
    (620) 365-6445
  • Names and Numbers Verified Air Conditioning Contractors Furnaces Gutters & Downspouts - Seamless Heating Contractors

    Dale's Sheet Metal Inc. is a family owned and operated business since 1968. We have three full time employees and are a fully insured company. All our employees have their Freon certification and are Lennox trained. We also do seamless gutters and custom sheet metal work. Our ma…

    Humboldt, KS
    (620) 365-3534
  • Air Conditioning Contractors Electrician Generators Heating Contractors

    Cdl Group Of Companies from Humboldt, KS. Company specialized in: Air Conditioning Contractors. Please call us for more information - (620) 231-6420

    Humboldt, KS
    (620) 231-6420
  • Air Conditioning Contractors Heating Contractors Electrician Plumbers

    Certified Installation. Certified Results. Backed by decades of experience and a team committed to providing superior customer service and outcomes, COL is the ideal partner for any and all residential projects. As a company that has over 40,000 customers, we have extensive ex…

    911 Industrial Rd Humboldt, KS
    (417) 627-5380

Search results hints


We looked for the best Heating Contractors in Humboldt, KS. Want more options? Consider expanding your search to all of Kansas state.


This list includes only Heating Contractors and related businesses. Each entry provides at least one form of contact information (phone, website, or email).

Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.