Local Businesses in craw kan - Names and Numbers

Find Local Businesses in Crawford County

Crawford County

Search the online directory for business listings in Crawford County and surrounding area.

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Craw-Kan Facts:

Largest City/Town: Pittsburg

Coverage Area (Total): 595.05 sq. miles

Population: 39,220

Cities/Towns covered in local Names and Numbers Phone Book: Kansas – Altamont, Arcadia, Arma, Bartlett, Baxter Springs, Blue Mound, Brazilton, Bronson, Cherokee, Chetopa, Colony, Columbus, Crestline, Dennis, Devon, Edna, Elsmore, Erie, Farlington, Fort Scott, Franklin, Fulton, Frontenac, Galena, Galesburg, Garland, Girard, Hallowell, Hepler, Hiattville, LaHarpe, Lawton, Mapleton, McCune, Moran, Mound City, Mound Valley, Mulberry, Oswego, Parsons, Pittsburg, Pleasanton, Prescott, Redfield, Riverton, St Paul, Savonburg, Scammon, Shaw, South Mound, Stark, Thayer, Treece, Uniontown, Urbana, Walnut, Weir, West Hume, West Mineral; Missouri – Alba, Amoret, Amsterdam, Asbury, Bronaugh, Deerfield, El Dorado Springs, Foster, Hume, Iantha, Jasper, Lamar, Liberal, Metz, Milo, Mindenmines, Moundville, Neck City, Nevada, Purcell, Richards, Sheldon, Waco

Craw-Kan History

"Craw-Kan" is the name assigned to our Names and Numbers' directory to describe the area of Crawford County, Kansas. It was founded in 1867 and named in honor of Samuel J. Crawford, former Governor of Kansas (1865-68). It is located in the Ozark Highlands at the mid-way point between Kansas City, Missouri and Tulsa, Oklahoma. Pittsburg is the county’s largest city and Girard serves as the county seat.

Craw-Kan Attractions

Craw-Kan maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near

Addiction Treatment Center Of Southeast Kansas logo

Addiction Treatment Center Of Southeast Kansas

Names and Numbers Verified Addiction Treatment Centers Alcohol & Drug Information & Treatment Centers Counselors Drug Abuse & Addiction Treatment Centers
W Hwy 47 (Behind Hospital) Girard, KS
Crawford County Attorney logo

Crawford County Attorney

Names and Numbers Verified Attorneys Eminent Domain Attorneys Lawyers
Courthouse 111 E Forest St Girard, KS
Prescott State Bank logo

Prescott State Bank

Names and Numbers Verified Automobile Loans Banks Financing Home Improvement Loans Loans
283 E Main/PO Box 98 Prescott, KS
Allen County Noxious Weed Dept logo

Allen County Noxious Weed Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Weed Control Service
1321 S Washington Iola, KS

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