Local Businesses in Hobbs, NM - Names and Numbers

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Hobbs, NM

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Hobbs, New Mexico Facts:

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Hobbs History

Hobbs was first settled in 1907 and named after the James Isaac Hobbs family, who moved into the area from Texas. The establishments of the first general store in 1909 and the first Post Office in 1910 were important events in the town's history. However, it was the discovery of oil in 1928 that cultivated Hobbs' growth. The discovery well was owned by Midwest Refining Co. (now Amoco), with a second area well being discovered by Humble Oil Company in 1930.

During the oil boom, the community was made up of two town sites – Hobbs and New Hobbs. The first attempt to unite the two town sites failed in 1932, but was successful in 1937 via local elections. Hobbs officially became one town site on May 30, 1937, and was granted city status by Governor Clyde Tingley on June 8 of the same year.

Hobbs Attractions

Hobbs maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near Hobbs

Absw Refrigeration & Air Conditioning logo

Absw Refrigeration & Air Conditioning

Names and Numbers Verified Air Conditioning Contractors Heating Contractors Ice Making Equipment & Machines Refrigeration Equipment - Repair & Service Refrigeration Service
3211 N Dal Paso Ste A Hobbs, NM
Golden Insurance Agency Pc logo

Golden Insurance Agency Pc

Names and Numbers Verified Automobile Insurance Health Insurance Insurance - Bonds Insurance - Business & Commercial Insurance - Homeowners
423 S Main St Lovington, NM
Roadrunner Spray Foam & Linings logo

Roadrunner Spray Foam & Linings

Names and Numbers Verified Spray Foam
113 W Clinton Hobbs, NM
Coffey Drilling logo

Coffey Drilling

Names and Numbers Verified Water Well Drilling & Service
Hobbs, NM

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