Local Businesses in Deming, NM - Names and Numbers

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Deming, NM

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Deming, New Mexico Facts:

Deming History

Deming was an important port of entry on the US-Mexico border until the Gadsden Purchase of 1853. It was founded in 1881 and served as a prominent railroad town when the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad completed its junction with the Southern Pacific at Deming. The town was given the nickname "New Chicago" out of anticipation of growth that would take place due to the surge of railroad usage (i.e. it was thought the town would resemble Chicago, Illinois). Deming, named after Mary Deming Crocker (the wife of railroad magnate Charles Crocker), was officially incorporated in 1902.

Deming Attractions

Deming maintains a variety of attractions including:

Popular Businesses Near Deming

Western Regional Housing Authority logo

Western Regional Housing Authority

Names and Numbers Verified Housing Agencies Social Service Agencies & Organizations
112 W Ash St Deming, NM
Wagon Wheel Realty Inc logo

Wagon Wheel Realty Inc

Names and Numbers Verified Property Management Real Estate Real Estate - Commercial & Investment Real Estate - Farms & Ranches Real Estate Rental Service
2105 Memory Ln Silver City, NM
Johnny On The Spot logo

Johnny On The Spot

Names and Numbers Verified Air Conditioning Contractors Portable Toilets Septic Tanks - Cleaning, Repair, Service
4595 Hwy 180 W Glenwood, NM
Grant County Title Co logo

Grant County Title Co

Names and Numbers Verified Title Companies
1963 Hilltop Rd Silver City, NM

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