Servicing zip codes

Dirt in this list provide services to multiple zip codes in and around Kanab (i.e 84741). For specific service areas, kindly reach out to the individual businesses.

Dirt in Kanab, UT

  • Concrete Breaking, Cutting, Sawing, Etc Concrete Contractors Concrete Repair & Restoration Excavating Contractors

    DIXIE DIRT WORX & CONCRETE RETAINING WALLS is a reputable and experienced business specializing in the construction of concrete retaining walls and the supply of decorative rock in Southern Utah. Our team takes pride in delivering top-quality workmanship at affordable prices, en…

    Kanab, UT
    (435) 287-4526
  • Demolition Contractors Excavating Contractors Landscapers Retaining Walls

    At Pierce Excavation, our excavation work is completed on time and 90% of projects are completed by the customer's deadline. We provide both commercial and residential service including lot prep work, rock walls, retaining walls, trenches, backfill, basements, grading, importing…

    Kanab, UT
    (435) 705-1965
  • Landscapers Lawn Care & Maintenance Concrete Trees

    At The Tree Guy/Dixie Dirt Worx & Concrete, we specialize in expert tree care services in Southern Utah. With our team of ISA certified arborists, we offer a wide range of tree pruning and trimming services to ensure the health and beauty of your trees. Our expertise also lies i…

    Kanab, UT
    (435) 287-4526

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Certified Profiles

You will notice that some businesses are marked with a "certified" badge. It indicates that they claimed their profile and were certified by Names and Numbers.