Find Local Businesses in Rogers County Oklahoma

Rogers County Oklahoma

Search the online directory for business listings in Rogers County Oklahoma and surrounding area.

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Rogers County, Oklahoma Facts:

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Rogers County History

Cooweescoowee County was originally founded at the 1906 Constitutional Convention. Residents objected and the name was changed to Rogers County in honor of Clem Vann Rogers, a mixed heritage Cherokee rancher and father of Will Rogers.

Rogers County is home to Oologah Lake which was built by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in 1963. Besides being the local reservoir, Oologah Lake offers swimming, boating, and fishing; as well as camping, picnic tables, and a playground. Area industries include manufacturing, agri-business, education, and healthcare services. With a population increase of 23% from 2000-2010, Rogers County holds the distinction of being the fastest growing county in the state.

Rogers County Attractions

Rogers County maintains a variety of attractions including:

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Tulsa International Airport logo

Tulsa International Airport

Names and Numbers Verified Airports
7777 E Apache St Tulsa, OK
Verdigris Valley Electric Co-Op logo

Verdigris Valley Electric Co-Op

Names and Numbers Verified Electric Companies Electric Utility Companies
8901 E 146th St N Collinsville, OK
Claremore Fire Dept logo

Claremore Fire Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Fire Departments
1325 N Sioux Ave Claremore, OK
Rogers County Sheriff Dept logo

Rogers County Sheriff Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Hotlines Sheriff Departments
201 S Cherokee St Claremore, OK

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