Find Local Businesses in Golden City, MO

Golden City, MO

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Golden City, Missouri Facts:

County: Barton

Population: 761

Coverage Area (Total): 1.0 sq. miles

Elevation: 1,063 ft.

Cities/Towns covered in local Names and Numbers Phone Book: Amos, Arcola, Ardath, Arnica, Arthur, Asbury, Avilla, Bearcreek, Bellamy, Bona, Boston, Bristow, Bronaugh, Cane Hill, Caplinger Mills, Carbon Center, Cedar Springs, Cedarville, Claud, Coal Hill, Comet, Corry, Cossville, Crisp, Dadeville, Dederick, Deerfield, El Dorado Springs, Ellis, Eve, Everton, Fair Haven, Fair Play, Filley, Glen Town, Golden City, Greenfield, Hackleman Corner, Handley,, Hannon, Harwood, Horton, Iantha, Irwin, Jasper, Jerico Springs, Kenoma, Kings Point, Lamar, Lamar Heights, Layneville, Lebeck, Liberal, Lockwood, Maple Grove, Masters, Medoc, Meinert, Metz, Milford, Milo, Mindenmines, Montevallo, Moundville, Nashville, Nassau Junction, Neola, Nevada, Newport, Oak Ridge (Vernon County), Oakton, Olympia, Oskaloosa, Pacetown, Panama, Pennsboro, Pilgrim, Portia, Rich Hill, Richards, Rinehart, Rookins, Rousertown, Schell City, Seybert, Sheldon, South Greenfield, Stockton, Stotesbury, Swart, Sylvania, Tuckers Corner, Umber, Umber View Heights, Verdella, Virgil City, Wagoner, Walker, Willowville, Wimmer

Our online Yellow Pages for Golden City, MO offer complete listings for area businesses. Listing information includes addresses, phone numbers, websites, maps, and more!

Golden City History

Golden City was settled in 1866 as a stop on the Butterfield Stagecoach Line. It was named for nearby Golden Grove, which received its name from early settlers who found diggings that were attributed to Spanish Conquistadors mining for gold (the diggings were actually made by Native Americans mining flint). The Golden Harvest Days festival, consisting of music, food, and games for kids, has taken place every summer for many years.

Are you new to Golden City? Just checking out the area? Please see the links provided below to find local attractions and helpful resources.

Golden City Attractions

Golden City Tourism

Popular Businesses Near Golden City

Lamar Municipal Airport logo

Lamar Municipal Airport

Names and Numbers Verified Airports Attorneys - Municipal Law
73 W Hwy 160 Lamar, MO
El Dorado Springs Community Center logo

El Dorado Springs Community Center

Names and Numbers Verified Community Centers El Dorado
135 W Spring St El Dorado Springs, MO
Metz Police Dept logo

Metz Police Dept

Names and Numbers Verified Police Departments
El Dorado Springs, MO
Greenfield (Dade Cnty Sheriff Dept) logo

Greenfield (Dade Cnty Sheriff Dept)

Names and Numbers Verified Sheriff Departments
El Dorado Springs, MO

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